
8 Mile (IWB)


The most popular conceal-carry holster!

Our DETROIT HOLSTER 8 MILE  holster is worn inside the waistband (IWB) typically at a 3:30-4:00 o’clock position and it has many great features designed into it.  Now available with several belt clip options, including the UltiTuck & Monoblock Gear Clip that is slim-line, tough, and can be worn without a belt!  Please read below about all of the belt clips you may choose.  You can order more than one type.

Handgun Configuration:

  • Handgun Manufacturer *

  • AREX *

  • Beretta *

  • Bond Arms *

  • Byrna *

  • Canik *

  • Colt *

  • CZ *

  • Daniel Defense *

  • Diamondback *

  • FN *

  • GLOCK *

  • H&K *

  • Heritage *

  • IWI *

  • Kahr *

  • KelTec *

  • Kimber *

  • Makarov *

  • Mossberg *

  • North American Arms *

  • Rock Island *

  • Ruger *

  • SCCY *

  • Sig *

  • Springfield *

  • Staccato * $9.99

  • S&W *

  • Standard Manufacturing *

  • Standard Manufacturing Switch Gun Info *

    Switch Gun InfoDO NOT ORDER Switch Gun holster on this page, it must be ordered here: Switch Gun
  • Steyr *

  • Taurus *

  • Trailblazer *

  • Trailblazer Lifecard Order Info *

    Trailblazer Life CardDO NOT ORDER Lifecard holster on this page, it must be ordered here: Lifecard
  • Walther *

  • Wilson Combat *

  • Colt Cobra Information *

    We have encountered numerous models of this Cobra - several are different enough to cause fitment issues. We will need you to send us photos of both sides of your gun and reference your order number.
  • Custom (Pre-arranged) *

    Describe your firearm.

  • Barrel Length *

  • RMR/Optic Cut *

    The holster is cut to accommodate a (R)uggedized (M)iniature (R)eflex sight, most commonly called a "Red Dot", or "Optics" which are mounted on top of the rear of the slide.

  • RMR Measurement *

    What is the distance from the rear of the slide to the front of the RMR/Optic? We will relieve the Kydex this distance plus a bit so it clears.Max: 100 characters

  • Threaded Barrel *

    We will leave an opening large enough for a threaded barrel to pass through the end of the holster should you choose this option.

  • Suppressor Height Sights *

  • Light / Laser Equipped *

  • Light / Laser Manufacturer *

  • Armalaser Model *

  • Crimson Trace Model *

  • LaserLyte Model *

  • Laser Max Model *

  • OLIGHT Model *

  • Nightstick Model *

  • Sig *


    The Foxtrot has rail key/insert i.e. "1913" or "other", as well as sliding adjustment with settings 1-4. We need to know how you have yours setup as well as what rail slot the key/insert is in with #1 being at the barrel end of the gun, #2,3, etc. moving toward the trigger.

  • Streamlight Model *

  • Surefire Model *

  • Viridian Model *

  • Rail Key/Insert # *

    The rail key/insert is the small piece of plastic that came with your light/laser that fits into the rail of the gun to position the light/laser. You will need to remove the light/laser from the handgun to read the stamped letter or number on it.
    Using the correct rail key is essential for:
    Secure Fit & Stability – Ensures the light stays in place on specific rails (Glock, Picatinny, SIG, etc.), preventing shifting under recoil.
    Proper Activation Alignment – Avoids awkward positioning that makes it hard to reach the switch.
    Prevents Wear & Damage – Improper fit can stress the mount, causing premature loosening or failure.
    Retention Under Recoil – A secure key prevents the light from moving or detaching when firing.
    Avoids Malfunctions – Misalignment can block controls, cause accidental activation, or interfere with holsters.

  • Hellcat with Olight Information: READ! *

    Hellcat with Olight Information: READ!If you are configuring a Hellcat with an O'Light, you'll notice it doesn't mount correctly. It sits crooked. To fix this, remove the O'light rail key/insert and then only replace the screws, NO rail key/insert. The screws will fit in the gun rail better, allowing the laser to sit straight. This is how your holster will be built to function. This DOES NOT apply to the Hellcat 3.7" PRO. See our YouTube video on this:
  • GLOCK 23 Gen 5 with Light or Laser *

    ** R E A D **This newer model uses a standard "1913" rail key/insert not a "GL" key

We have dozens of colors listed here, however, there are many more available. If you don't see what you are looking for please email us. See our "Color" page link on the top navigation menu.

  • Colors *

  • Solid Colors *

  • Carbon Fiber Pattern *

  • Kryptek *

  • Digital Camo *

  • Camo *

  • ATACs *

  • Basket Weave *

  • Tru-Hide *

  • Graveyard *

    There are about 14 colors of this pattern available. We do not stock them all. If there is a color you would like just ask.

  • Snake Skin Rattler *

    There are many Snake Skin colors available. We do not stock them all. If there is a color you would like just ask.

8 Mile Specific:

  • Default Belt Clip *

    This is the belt clip that will come installed on your custom 8 Mile IWB Detroit Holster. Please NOTE: The single and dual soft belt options use different hole spacing and are NOT compatible with the FOMI and Monoblock belt clips.

  • Extra Belt Clips *

    Please NOTE: The single and dual soft belt options use different hole spacing and are NOT compatible with the FOMI, UltiTuck, or Monoblock belt clips.

  • Cant *

    Even though the cant on our standard 8 Mile is adjustable, we will ship it setup with your selection here.

  • Custom Cant *

    Max: 200 characters

  • FOMI or Monoblock Gear Clip Laser Engraved Artwork *

    Only choose if you are ordering a FOMI belt clip or Monoblock Gear Clip. Price is per engraving, if ordering multiple, use the "custom request payment" drop-down menu and leave comments.
    Artwork examples HERE

  • Body Side Worn On/Draw Hand *


  • Upgraded Shipping *

    Your order will ship USPS 1st Class Mail which is up to 5 business days. You may upgrade to Priority Mail which is 1-3 business days. This doesn't affect the lead time to build your holster, but once completed gets it to you faster.

  • Shipping Insurance *

    Once your holster is dropped off at the post office, naturally we are not responsible for it any longer.

  • Special Instructions *

    I.E.: If you have manual safety, decocker, etc. you have to let us know... not all gun models in the drop-down include this description so let us know here..Max: 200 characters

  • Laser Engrave Gun Model on Holster *

    If selected, we will engrave the gun model you selected during configuration onto the holster. The engraving is usually light silver or gold in color, depending on the material.

  • Custom Request Payment *

    This field is used for additional PRE-ARRANGED custom modification requests, from total custom holster builds to laser engraving a name on the holster.

Product total

Options total

Grand total


✴ IWB concealment holster.

✴ Made with one solid piece of .08 Kydex providing a great balance of definition and durability.

✴ Black Calcutta (flat black) is the standard color (other colors available as an upgrade – click here for sample color page).
  Belt clips/fasteners are black


✴ Molded perfectly to firearm model specified.

✴ User-adjustable cant from straight draw to 15-degree forward/FBI.  Custom cant option too.

✴ High-quality Chicago-style screws and rubber bushings to adjust or relieve retention.

✴ Several belt clip options available.

✴ Sweat/body shield designed into the holster to create a barrier between the handgun and you.

✴ All edges rounded, hand-sanded, and polished smooth for maximum comfort.

✴ Designed for deep weapon positioning unless the customer specifies other ride height.

✴ Magazine release will not be covered unless specified in comments at checkout.  Some firearms may have the tendency to have the magazine accidentally released when covered.

✴ Made by hand.

✴ Customize your holster to fit a growing variety of laser and lights.

See the “Product Videos” tab above for more information.

How to wear your 8 Mile Detroit Holster.
How to wear your 8 Mile Detroit Holster.

Belt Clip Information

FOMI POLYMER CLIP   (The most popular belt clip).

– Quality, sleek injection-molded belt clip.
- Currently available in 1.5″ or 1.75″ belt sizes.
– R
everse tab design securely clips over the belt.
– Remove from belt easily with the reverse tab.
– Available with or without DETROIT HOLSTER laser-etched logo
.  Secured to the holster with high-quality Chicago-screw style hardware.
– Interchangeable with all of our two-horizontal mounting hole belt clips.





FOMI POLYMER LASER ENGRAVED LOGO CLIP   (The most popular belt clip).

– Quality, sleek injection-molded belt clip.
- Currently available in 1.5″ or 1.75″ belt sizes.
– R
everse tab design securely clips over the belt.
– Remove from belt easily with the reverse tab.
– Available with or without DETROIT HOLSTER laser-etched logo
.  Secured to the holster with high-quality Chicago-screw style hardware.
– Interchangeable with all of our two-horizontal mounting hole belt clips.






Made of strong rubber
- Strong locking snap opener
- Tactical Black
- Adjustable for belt sizes 1.25″ – 2.00″
- Only 7/8″ in width
- Completely & securely wraps around belt
- Sits well against belt and waist
- Quick and easy to both position & remove the holster.
- Secured to the holster with quality Chicago-screw style hardware  Configuration available with single or double loops.  If the double loop configuration is selected, the holster will be formed to accept two loops or our standard mold-injected belt clips.







Dual steel clip with a dark matte grey non-reflective finish that resists corrosion very well.  This belt clip is low profile and can be worn with or without a belt.  It will fit over belts up to 1.5″.

This clip design allows for very secure carry on belts, waistlines, or any attachment point where the spring steel clip tabs can be positioned securely. Each spring tab has an integrated security clutch to prevent it from easily becoming detached from the mounting point. The Monoblock clip comes in a standard DMG/Cu finish in dark matte grey and is non-reflective. 

– Interchangeable with all of our two-horizontal mounting hole belt clips.





The UltiTuck clip is a 3-in-1 feature tactical mounting clip that sports a versatile 2-hole mounting design. This clip will easily replace many standard 2-hole holster clips and are very popular with users who like beltless carry with adjustable cant in a tuckable design. These operate on the “pinch” principle and are very sturdy and secure when engaged. All you need to do is pick your position on your waistline (or belt) and engage the locking lever to secure the clip in position. Once engaged and locked down, your holster will not move easily.  

– Interchangeable with all of our two-horizontal mounting hole belt clips.

Video on UltiTuck

Additional information

Weight 0.5 lbs


  • Detroit Holster "8 Mile"
  • Detroit Holster "8 Mile"
  • Detroit Holster "8 Mile"
  • How to wear your 8 Mile Detroit Holster.


  1. Detroit Holster


    “Thank you. Will direct my friends to this sight. Great product, service and donate to good cause. Have a good day.”

  2. Detroit Holster


    “I got the new holster that you remade for me last week and it is totally awesome! …. I’ll be ordering a couple more in the near future as well.”

  3. Detroit Holster


    “I received the holster today. All I can say is Wow! Beautiful job.”

  4. Detroit Holster


    “Just received the IWB holster for a S&W M&P 9c with a veridian c5l laser. Quality holster and it fits like a glove. And it only took 8 days.”

  5. Detroit Holster


    “You’ve out done yourself, the holster is awesome. The mag release is covered and is exactly how I wanted it. The retention is excellent as is the mag holder. I could not be more pleased. Thank you so much. I again am wholly satisfied, and your holster has taken its place by my side since I received it.”

  6. Detroit Holster


    “I appreciate the quick response. Both of the holsters I’ve received from you have been used daily, and I couldn’t ask for a better product.”

  7. Detroit Holster


    “Wow, thank you soo much, I really appreciate it. 🙂
    …. we as American (us loyal Americans anyway) are getting sick of foreign made shit, and would like something made by our own, for our own. I show all my friends your website as well…. I’d rather my money stay here than go out of state or country. Thank you for all you do.”

  8. Detroit Holster


    “I have received two amazing Detroit Holsters from you in the past. You did my zombie green XDS and Pink SR22. With that said I’m looking for another now.”

  9. Detroit Holster


    “The holster is exactly what I am looking for. I was surprised that it was delivered so soon and want to thank you Detroit Holster for taking the time to get it out to me. I can tell that you take pride in your work and it really shows.”

  10. Detroit Holster


    “Just got the holster and love it. It was way better than the [company name removed] that I had lol. Thanks again, I really appreciate it. It’s definitely going to see some use here shortly. I’m ecstatic. 🙂 It’s a perfect fit in every way.”

  11. Detroit Holster


    “Thanks for the quick reply & quick shipping. Another quality product from your shop!!! Thanks again”

  12. Detroit Holster


    “Hey got the holster today and it is perfect. Great fit and retention. Thanks for going the extra mile for me.”

  13. Detroit Holster


    “Hi guys got the 8 mile Holster in grave yard camo yesterday very cool, second holster I got from Detroit holster keep up the good work.

  14. Detroit Holster


    “I just received my first Detroit holster. I got the iwb, carbon fiber with ecr. This thing is awesome. Delivery was fast, all my emails were responded to. Very happy with this company. My friends have already been jealous of my holster, and I’ve only had
    it a day. Thanks for the good service and quality. I suspect my friend will be ordering there’s soon.”

  15. Detroit Holster


    “The 8 Mile IWB for the glock 42 is perfect. I prefer it over my more expensive custom leather holsters I have purchased in the past for other firearms which cost almost triple the price. Great Job , I will be a repeat customer.”

  16. Detroit Holster


    “My holster arrived today. It’s absolutely impressive. I never thought I would be afraid of my gun scratching my holster.”

  17. Detroit Holster


    “Thank you for the wonderful holster you made for my Glock 42. Quality product.”

  18. Detroit Holster


    “1st Class Holster.

    Wow! What a great holster for my GLOCK 42 – you all nailed it !!! The trigger guard is REALLY protected – a rare thing in most holsters. Kevlar and color could not be better – one classy job. Thank You! Also, want to place order for the pocket model but concered it my be a bit stiff compared to my current suede Galco – would appreciate your comment on that.

    Will be showing this off at the Texas Gun Rsnge and it will generate you some more business from Texas.”

  19. Detroit Holster


    “Awesome holster!!! I just wanted to let you all know how impressed I am with my new 8 Mile holster I received today. This has got to be one of the best holsters around. I have the new xds 4.0 and it conceals amazingly well! So we’ll it is unnoticeable. I have a galco summer comfort holster and it is not comfortable. Now that I have an 8 Mile I will be selling the Galco! Thanks Detroit Holster! By the way, as soon as I have the funds I want to get another one of your holsters for my Springfield TRP. Glad I stumbled upon your website.”

  20. Detroit Holster


    “I just wanted to let you know I love my inside the waistband holster. My brother…. is a Sergeant for the North Charleston police department in South Carolina, highly recommended your holsters after purchasing four of them. Thanks again and keep up the good work.”

  21. Detroit Holster


    “I just received my 8 mile holster for the Glock 42 and it’s a perfect fit. I’m very happy with your product and it was worth every penny…..I will refer my friends to you.

    Pleasure doing business.”

  22. Detroit Holster


    “Received it yesyerday, and it is perfect, exactly the way I wanted it. Thank you. I will Pass your business along to friends.”

  23. Detroit Holster


    “Hey Paul, just got my holster today and just want to tell you how wonderful of a job you have done!! Absolutely 100% what I was looking for design and quality wise. You have gone above and beyond with this holster and can’t wait to run it through its paces every day. Will definitely be recommending you to everyone and anyone I know, besides ordering a couple more myself. Once I thank you for the great service and your time.

    Thank you,
    (From an extremely happy customer)”

  24. Detroit Holster


    “My buddy I work with …..ordered a IWB holster for his Beretta Nano, off your website this evening. He loved my holsters and just simply had to have one. I have a couple other friends interested also because of my Facebook post from yesterday on your site. Thank you buddy. Have a good weekend.”

  25. Detroit Holster


    “I received my holster today for my Glock 27, absolutely loved it. It’s fantastic. Thank you sir.”

  26. Detroit Holster


    “Hello Paul received my holster today,it fits the glock 42 like a glove.”

  27. Detroit Holster


    “I received both my Kydex Holsters today. Let me first say that I am very impressed and pleased by your product, outstanding job. The holsters are flawless, very well done. I will definitely be promoting your holsters to my fellow co-workers and my two brothers who are police officers also. I will be purchasing more holsters from you in the future. Thank you sir.”

  28. Detroit Holster


    “Just thought I would drop you a note on how impressed I am with the holster for my G42. I carry my iPhone in a clip on the same side and it sticks out way more than the holster or butt of my weapon does. Without my cell phone on you can’t tell that I am carrying at all which I like, sometimes I even forget that it is there. I foresee a couple more orders in the not too distant future for other sidearms.

    Sorry I can’t offer any pictures as they would not be appreciated by my employer, and could prove to interfere with my duties.

    Thanks again.”

  29. Detroit Holster


    “Just received the two holsters today, for the Glock 42 and the Sig P290. They are both perfection. You are truly the best in product and service. Thanks much for the excellent service and price. . I’m doing my best to promote Detroit Holsters with my friends. Hope you get some business from it.

    I’m sure I’ll order more from you next month.”

  30. Detroit Holster


    “Paul, I received my order today, THANKS! As usual your work is perfection.”

  31. Detroit Holster


    “I received my holster, and you have excellent craftsmanship! The quality of your materials, and your unique designs stands you apart from the rest of the industry. Thank You!”

  32. Detroit Holster


    “I recently purchased the 8 mile glock 42 carbon fiber blood straight draw holster with plastic logo…I just received the holster and want to say thanks. The holster is very well made and looks awesome. The fit is spectacular! Thanks for a well made product. I will definitely show off my new holster and spread the word about your awesome product. I am extremely happy I found your website. Thanks again!”

  33. Detroit Holster


    “…..such personal feedback! Thank you greatly! I will order again in the future!”

  34. Detroit Holster


    “I received the 8 mile holster several weeks ago and I have to apologize for the delayed response, it’s been a crazy busy summer.

    Thank you so much for the exchange and it was very kind of you to add the upgrades! I am not a fancy guy, these are tools for me and I go for function and reliability not looks… I don’t buy Glocks because they are pretty, I buy them because they work! Same with holsters but I have to say, this is a damn nice looking rig even if nobody is supposed to see it! What I really care about though is the quality and this is the finest kydex rig I have ever owned. Very nice work, a truly deserving home for a Glock pistol.

    I bought one of your mag holders for the 42 and took the clip off for pocket carry, it works really well that way and I will probably get one for my 23 as well. It keeps the mag upright and pointing the right direction, blends the shape even in jeans and keeps debris out of the feed lips and first round hollowpoint. Another really nice product!

    You have earned a customer for life. Thank you again.”

  35. Detroit Holster


    “I have ur 8 mile for my glock 30 and love it it’s even been ran over by a jeep without the gun in it and didn’t break…. we were shooting out on the farm and I set the holster on the ground and my buddy pulled up and parked right on top of it and it still works as good as when u sent it.”

  36. Detroit Holster


    “Just wanted you to know that the holster you made for my Glock 42 with Crimson Trace, well is perfect…. Truly enjoy it.”

  37. Detroit Holster

    Robert Docter

    Received my 8mile for glock 42 today and absolutly love it! It seems to just “fit”. Looks great and has a even better feel. I can barely notice it on. Although I am new to concealed carry, I must say that I am extremely happy with choosing detroit holster as my first “real” holster. Will definitely pass on to my friends. Also, great service and it took no time ship! Thanks.

  38. Detroit Holster


    “Hey guys –

    The Glock 42 is my summertime, shorts & t-shirt carry. I usually carry my Glock 27 in a Galco IWB kydex holster. I decided to give you guys a whirl for this holster.

    The bottom like is this: you guys absolutely nailed it.
    The fit, quality and design are top notch. It’s $hit hot to say the least, and you’ll be my next go-to for my next holster.

    Well done. You guys rock.”

  39. Detroit Holster


    “Could not be happier with my purchase! I bought a 8 mile IWB holster for Glock 42 with viridian laser with ECR. Fit and finish are perfect, I forget I am even wearing it! Also the colors…simply AWESOME! I will be getting others for my other handguns and would not be surprised if my buddies get some too, been showing it off all week. Thanks again Chris.”

  40. Detroit Holster


    Love this holster. The g42 fits perfectly, and draws smoothly.

  41. Detroit Holster


    “The gun fits perfectly. It’s in there securely but still draws smoothly. It is as comfortable to wear as a gun can be on your back, and I’m not a big person. Love the holster, and the service.”

  42. Detroit Holster


    Very good product! P320 fits great. The customer service is just as great. Had issue with address I sent it too. They fixed with with no issues and VERY quick email responses.. Even responded on Christmas Day! 100% happy will buy from again!

  43. Detroit Holster


    “I’m very happy with my 8 Mile holster for the Glock G42 with Crimson Trace’s Laser Guard and I’m hoping you’re going to offer a similar 8 Mile for the Ruger LC9s with Crimson Trace Laser Guard ((LG-412H). I’d appreciate an email notification when you have one available. Keep up the good work and thank you for a great product.”

  44. Detroit Holster


    “Hi Detroit Holster Team, I just received my 8 Mile holster for my Glock 19. It is my second one. The first one I bought was for my Glock 42. These holsters are, by far, the best concealment holsters I have ever used, and I have tried dozens. My quest for the perfect holster has come to an end after finding your 8 Mile holster. These holsters fit the guns perfectly, there is no unnecessary bulk, and with the adjustable tension, I can think of nothing that would improve your product.”

  45. Detroit Holster


    “… Fit & finish are superb, attention to detail is evident. And the materials are top notch. I love the black carbon fiber look. Thanks again for the extra mile…Awesome products,, look for more orders from me in the future.”

  46. Detroit Holster


    “Received the holster today and I have to say you all have earned a loyal holster. Top notch quality and didn’t even have to adjust the retention. Will definitely order from you again.”

  47. Detroit Holster


    Just want to start off by saying Thank You! The holster that you provided me has more than met my expectations. The fit is perfect and it looks amazing! I have since purchased a Glock for my wife and we will be ordering her holster from Detroit Holster as well. Also I would like to commend you for the support you give to the Wounded Warrior Program along with other charities. Please share this with in your company. Thanks again!

  48. Detroit Holster


    Your support of NRA, WWP, and other worthwhile charities along with the quality was a BIG factor.

    I’m a 100% P&T scheduler Vietnam era disabled Air Force Vet.

    It’s nice to finally see people caring about Veterans.

    God Bless, I’ll be ordering again soon for my wife’s Walther.

    Thank You

  49. Detroit Holster


    The carbon fiber holster you made for my S&W .45 w/ a viridian c5 laser fits my weapon perfectly. very smooth draw, activates laser on draw. Very high quality. You will sell a ton of those holsters. Thank you very much, a pleasure finding a company like yours. All the best in the future. – David

  50. Detroit Holster


    “I recently purchased one for my Springfield Xd-S w/ laser.
    It’s the best holster I have !!! Barely know I am carrying in the truck.

    Now one for my Glock 27

    I’m a VN era 100% Disabled Veteran, thanks for caring!
    Dennis “

  51. Detroit Holster


    Just received my new 8 mike IWB carbon fiber holster & I must say WOW. Awesome looks & finish is top notch! Attention to detail is AMAZING ! Detroit Holsters has a new customer for any future holsters I need !

  52. Detroit Holster


    Thank you so much for your help and time on this order. Here in Colorado I make sure to tell everyone who will listen how good your products are. I cannot thank you guys enough for all that you do. It’s nice to know that I can always get a good quality holster made proudly in the USA from you guys. I work with our local sheriff’s department and I am always showing off Detroit Holster products. Thanks again you guys are awesome!!


  53. Detroit Holster


    Many thanks, I am proud owner of your holsters in the middle of Europe. Excellent work.
    Wish you all the best and thanks a lot again. – Jan

  54. Detroit Holster


    My new holster is awesome. Feels great and looks great. I paid the extra $20 for the Kryptec Raid pattern and it was well worth it.
    Thank you,

  55. Detroit Holster


    Like many, I have a lot of holsters for a lot of different set ups. These by far are the most comfortable, simple, and functional and that is why they are my EDC.

    Thanks for throwing in that slim steel clip. That is the one I prefer going forward. – Ken

  56. Detroit Holster


    Hi, received holster wed, but didn’t realize till today. Anyway, PERFECT fit!!
    Must be just slightly different than the 45 compact.
    I really appreciate you guys going out of your way, really above and beyond in todays world.
    As if said before, “Detroit Holster makes hands down the best holster”. Keep on doing it.


  57. Detroit Holster


    Like many of you, I have a box of holsters that I have tried over the years but have not come across one that I felt strongly enough to write an unsolicited review. While there are many great companies making Kydex holsters I found the Detroit Holster Company when doing a google search for Michigan made firearm products. I always like to support things locally (“Made in Michigan”) when it is an option. I purchased the IWB (8 Mile model) in black carbon fiber for my Kimber K6S. I found the website to be easy to navigate and placed an order expecting to wait three to four weeks… To my surprise, the holster arrived in 12 days. The fit and finish of this holster is perfect and very well crafted. Not only does it look great, I find all the hardware to be of high quality materials. The clip attaches very securely, and the holster has adjustable retention screws. It really fits like a glove to my revolver…right out of the bag.

  58. Detroit Holster


    I own 2 Metro, Premium OWB Holsters. With out a doubt the best holsters made. Hands down. I decided to buy a 8 mile iwb to replace my only (non)Detroit Holster. Had my holster in 10 days. As usual amazing quality and workmanship. Detroit Holster does not disappoint.

  59. Detroit Holster


    Thank you! Customer service is second to none and I can’t wait to use the holster!

  60. Detroit Holster


    Great holster!! Utili-clip3 great for belt less carry

  61. Detroit Holster


    Got holsters.Nice job! All fits good and mold for comp. is good.

  62. Detroit Holster


    Holster looks awesome thank you.

  63. Detroit Holster


    First of all. I would like to tell you that, in my opinion, you guys make the best holsters out there. I bought what I thought was the best. Then I bought a Detroit Holster. I am amazed every time I put it on. Quality is 2nd to none. The metro premium is sooo easy to put on and take off if needed. Rides tight, and workmanship is perfect. Anyway, I have a sign legion P236. I said I would never put it in a Kydex holster. Well, you guys convinced me otherwise. Question is what do I choose for gun choice, and, is it possible to put a snap/ hammer guard on the holster if I decided?

  64. Detroit Holster


    I got the Ultradeep BG380 yesterday. It’s great. Appendix carry allows for a right hand cross draw worn on the 11:30 position with the grip more or less behind the belt buckle. The deep rise and the ulticlip make it 100% concealed even without a shirt on! That’s right… not 80%, not 95%, not even 99%…. 100%! With a little pre-adjustment, you can position it for comfortable sitting and there is no printing even with my “worse” pair of jeans for carry. I admit, the access is not fast due to the low rise, but with practice and some adjustment, I think the push draw can be done in about twice the time of a fast 4:00 position carry with traditional IWB holsters. I am around 2 seconds if it is tucked in, which is about 2 times longer than my full size IWB which is high rise.

    Sacrificed speed for concealment, but I feel like that is acceptable for most of us who don’t carry for our profession.

    Fit and finish was awesome. The kydex is sweet and almost a shame it is never meant to be shown off.

    Overall, the concept proved out and it does work as expected. Superior to ANY solution I have tried before. As you might imagine, this is really only going to work with short length frames in the 11:30-1:30 position for gents unless you wear your pant waist above your navel, which I do not…

    I have not tried to adjust the rise so far. I wonder if it can work a bit higher than the stock position. Based on my tests, the whole secret is to have the belt wrap the pistol grip and hold it close. This actually makes the seated position stable and comfortable.

    10/10! Thanks for the support.


  65. Detroit Holster


    I wanted to let you know I received your holster today. The second I opened the package I knew it was PERFECT! Definitely a beautiful holster. The lines are nice and the molding is perfect to the eye.
    The FIT is also perfect in every way. The gun draws smoothly and snaps back in with authority. The trigger guard seems to start the whole process upon reholstering. It opens the entire holster then snaps shut retaining the whole pistol with no slop whatsoever. The PERFECT holster. No doubt about it!
    Thank you. You and your team are awesome! – Jim

  66. Detroit Holster


    I received the holster and have been carrying my P80 in it for the last couple day. I can’t say enough good things about it! It’s amazing! I’ve carried many weapons in many different holsters; in combat in Afghanistan as a Marine and all over with my personal weapons while off duty.

    I absolutely love the fit and feel of it! I prefer lighter retention on my holster systems when carrying concealed and you guys NAILED it with my build! Drawing while seated in a vehicle can be challenging and this build is absolutely perfect! The only thing I might request on my next build is extension of the sweat shield to cover the magazine release. Sweat gets into t and the spring and is a pain at times.

    Most holster makers won’t touch custom builds like this and you guys knocked it out of the park! This is why I will continue to come to you guys from now on! – Charles

  67. Detroit Holster


    I purchased a Detroit Holster model “8 Mile” IWB to be used as an Appendix Carry (AIWB) holster for my Springfield XDS Mod 2.

    The XDS Mod 2 is a single stack handgun with a 3.3 inch barrel that is approximately 1 inch thick at the grip.

    This holster is perfect in size for Conceal Carry in the Appendix position.

    The “8 Mile” holster can also be customized when ordered with a range of lights/laser setups to meet your needs.

    Most of the common lights/lasers can be selected during the order.

    Below are two photos of my XDS Mod 2 3.3 inch barrel with the Detroit Holster “8 Mile” customized for the addition of a Veridian Reactor R5 laser.

    The Veridian Reactor has a feature incorporated into this holster that shuts off the laser when holstered, but turning on the laser when the handgun is drawn.

    To accomplish this, a magnet is built into the holster by Detroit Holsters that closes a switch built into the Veridian Reactor R5 laser that shuts off the laser when holstered.

    When you draw the XDS from the Detroit Holster 8 Mile holster, the Veridian laser turns on with no action required by the user.

    The overall quality of this holster is great and I am glad I ordered from Detroit Holster.

  68. Detroit Holster


    I received the holster yesterday and i love it!
    You did a fine job! – Igor

  69. Detroit Holster


    Thanks again for custom holster. It’s amazing. It’s perfect and it hugs the body so well that the imprint of the handle is no longer an issue for me. This is actually my five holster from you and they are all great.

  70. Detroit Holster


    I just got my holsters yesterday and am so impressed. I love them and am already looking to order more. Thanks again for being a great business to work with! Happy Thanksgiving.


  71. Detroit Holster

    Detroit Holster

    I wanted to drop y’all a line and thank you for one hell of a quality product. It’s very difficult to find a decent holster for a Beretta Tomcat, let alone a quality one such as the 8 Mile AIWB/IWB. You just made a repeat customer out of me! Thanks again.

  72. Detroit Holster

    Detroit Holster

    I love my 8 mile holster. Had it for a week ish I think now, it’s awesome man rlly great conceals perfect. I’m working on my concealed carry permit and can’t wait to carry this. Here’s some cool pics I got of the holster w my s&w model 60 pro. feel free to post them

  73. Detroit Holster

    Detroit Holster

    “I don’t know if it was the designs to choose from, the customer service, the quick turnaround, or the craftsmanship, but @DetroitHolster was one of the best companies I have ever purchased from…”

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